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A Requiem For Reading

A Parent's Perspective:

'Slow Down A Little, Stop, Suspend Time and Share a Story'

If you know me, either virtually or in the ‘real’ world you will know that I just love books, possibly more than anything else in the world, although obviously not more than my own children, and the children that I teach would come in at a close second, but even red wine and cheese pale into insignificance when it comes to books!

So, I really, really love books and I really, really love children and I really, really feel that these two loves should go hand in hand…hence I feel compelled to write this.

I think we all need a little reminder to slow down a little, stop, suspend time and share a story with our children.

I truly believe that reading to and with our children is one of the most meaningful and magical things we can do. Sitting down to read with your child, even if it is only for five minutes a day has a multifarious array of benefits including social, emotional and educational …however, this blog is written from my perspective as a mummy, not as a teacher (even though I feel that they may be inextricably linked), but, I will try to leave the educational benefits and research into reading with children for another time, another day, another blog!

So, why do I believe that we need to slow down, stop, suspend time and share a story? I believe this because through listening to stories our children are given a greater understanding of the world around them and a wider perspective into a variety of cultures, customs and countries, an understanding of how society and the people within it work, and a glimpse into the diversity and differences surrounding them.

I believe this because aside from learning about the world around them, listening to stories provides opportunities for our children to be inspired, think and reflect, it provokes their curiosity, stimulates their imagination and cultivates their creativity. It provides countless and open-ended opportunities for discourse, and through this new discussions and discoveries.

I believe this because aside from a greater understanding of the world and aside from provoking their curiosity, imagination and creativity, discourse and discoveries, I believe it provides children with a sense of us…of togetherness, a time to bond, to build upon and strengthen our relationships, to share 'one on one’ time, to connect, communicate and cultivate, a time to be calm, quiet and centred, both for ourselves and our child.

I believe this because these truly are the most magical and meaningful moments, such precious times with our young child, and so I say; be mindful, make these moments memorable before time slips away… And, slow down, stop, suspend time and share a story.

Please note that I have used the term; mummy in this blog however it should be noted that this is interchangeable with daddy, parent, or any other close relatives or carers of young children; any significant other in fact and I recognise and acknowledge this.

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